Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend thinks

This is Ad Astra weekend. For a number of reasons, I decided not to attend this year. In some ways, I regret the decision but seeing people is a struggle when everyone is on panels. There wasn't the balance between the cost of attending and what I perceived I'd achieve by going.

Yesterday, I took the GO bus to Mississauga for shopping/visiting with V. I tried writing on the way there - very hard because the girls* behind me spent the whole trip pushing on my seat, loudly cattily gossiping which would lapse into bad singing. The trip home went better from a writing point of view ... although the warmth of the sun did have me napping for part of the trip.

Today, I scribbled a bit at breakfast. Now, I need to add yesterday & today's scribbles to the file. Hope I can read my handwriting. :-)

* In this case, girls = university students

Saturday, April 3, 2010


If I judge my writing progress by how often I update this journal ... well, it's probably fairly accurate. The day job and some other issues have done a number on my creative output.

I have been poking at a short story for a few months. I still don't know exactly where it's going but it appears to be picking up a bit of steam. Since I have a deadline of the end of the month for the first draft, that's a good thing. If things don't start to gel, I'll either need to get out and push or give up on the story.