Sunday, October 25, 2009


I want every beginning to be perfect. The right greeting. The right words. The right scene.

One day I will learn it is nearly impossible to achieve that perfection.

I set up this blog weeks ago. A place to talk about writing - my process and progress. Faced with the blank page, I procrastinated writing this entry. I wanted to find the perfect words.

Repeat: One day I will learn it is nearly impossible to achieve that perfection.

I'm learning to allow (yes, allow) myself to bumble around and find the right place to begin. At least with the written word, I can edit and revise until the beginning is as perfect as it can be. Or I can just let it be. Call it an entry and release it to the world.


  1. An auspicious beginning. I like beginnings.

  2. I love this space - I'm looking forward to visiting frequently!

  3. Wonderful idea! :)

    ~ seattlemouse, who tried to get this site to recognize her ID, but it refused...
