Monday, August 1, 2011

Progress - August 1, 2011

Title: Chaos Unleashed
Words Total: 20,282
Words Today: 708
Reason for stopping: I'm developing a headache and the next bit is going to take more energy than I currently have.

Wordage I liked: "Be welcome. If anyone still has the stomach for food, dinner is almost ready."

Birte touched her fingertips to Merlia's before moving to sit at the table. Lienn leaned toward him and whispered, "I think we're both in trouble."

Anden couldn't disagree.

Things to discover: Merlia & Lienn's answer


Today was a holiday here. I was productive enough over the rest of the weekend to focus more time on writing today. I'll be away this coming weekend, so I'm going to have to get my writing in before then. (I may try scribbling on the bus rides though. Any words I add are good words, right?)