Monday, January 2, 2012

Progress - January 2, 2012

Title: Chaos Unleashed
Words Total: 28,785
Words Today: 527
Reason for stopping: Dinner time. There may be more words tonight.

Wordage I liked: Spoilers all today.

Things discovered: Emotions, emotions.

I'm using new software for writing (WriteWay). It counts words a little differently than Word. I've adjusted the numbers above to what WriteWay shows. Less confusing for me. :-)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 Review

After nearly 1.5 years of not writing, 2011 saw words.

- finished a 4900 word short story
- added 6925 words to the fantasy novel
- 'won' NaNoWriMo with a 50052 word romance/thriller novel

In 2012, I want to:
- polish the short story and submit it
- finish the first draft of the fantasy novel
- polish the romance novel and consider what to do with it

Thanks to those of you who read this blog. Here's to a fresh new year with new words and continued progress.