Monday, June 30, 2014

June Roundup

I returned home from vacation in May to the news my team was changing offices the night of my first day back. On one hand, it is great! I went from a 'three bus/10 minute walk/total of an hour' commute (or $25 cab ride) and working from home three days a week to a 'block & a half to the bus/5-8 minute ride/block to the office' commute. On the other, I'm still getting used to being in the office every day after almost two years of working from home.

It all boils down to not a lot of words or progress on the writing front this month. However, Camp NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow and I have great hope that I will rewrite the Beasties novel. Tomorrow is a holiday here, so I have plans to write a good chunk of the day.

June Stats:

Total Words - not many
Completed - nothing
Submissions - 1
Rejections - 1
Outstanding Submissions - 2
Days with writing related activity - not sure

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22

Well, the story I started early in June fizzled out. I still need to decide which story will be this month's submission.

July brings with it another installment of Camp NaNoWriMo. My plan is to rewrite my 2012 NaNo spicy romance novel with the aim of sending it out. Okay, *after* polishing & reader feedback.

My current plan is to post daily updates ... or updates on the days I write. I already know one day that I will likely not be writing. (Yeah! I get to see Welcome to Night Vale live!)

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2

Today was the first day back at work after two weeks of vacation. I'm not completely surprised that I'm finding it a bit difficult to focus on writing tonight. There may not have been as many as last night but a few are better than none. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be more focused and a little less tired.

Title - as yet untitled short
Words today - 163
Words total - 714
Music - Carsie Blanton - Not Old, Not New

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1 - New Story

There's a short story market I recently discovered with a June 16th deadline. We'll see if what I started tonight ends in time and holds together.

Title - as yet untitled short
Words today - 551
Words total - 551
Music - The Delta Saints - Death Letter Jubilee

May Roundup

May was a bit of a crazy month. From my birthday in the first week through the pressure of getting things caught up at work to two weeks of vacation (oh, how I needed those), it was almost non-stop.

I don't have much in the way of solid numbers for the month but I did come to a decision. Rather, while talking with the friend I was visiting, I had to acknowledge something. The big fantasy novel isn't really working right now. When I sit down to look at it, I feel stressed and not in a good way. For the next little while, I'm going to let it rest and focus on the spicy romance novels.

May Stats:

Total Words - not many
Completed - nothing
Submissions - 1
Rejections - 0
Outstanding Submissions - 2
Days with writing related activity - not sure