Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20 - Update

I received a rejection this morning for April's submission. March's is still outstanding which isn't a total surprise given it's a brand new market. Also, the closing date for submissions was March 31 and these things take time.

Submissions - 4
Acceptances - 0
Rejections - 3
Outstanding - 1

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19 - First pass complete

I had set my goal for Camp NaNo at 30,000 words or 30 hours. So far, I have spent 29 hours working on revisions.

I just sent the second draft off to my alpha reader. She is going to try to read it tomorrow or the next day. Once she's done, I will definitely have at least another hour of work to do on it. (Anyone who has read early drafts of mine is now laughing.)

Title - Tidal Wave (but still needs a new name) 
Words today - 2,500
Words total - 29,000
Music - Sixx AM - This is Gonna Hurt

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18 - Very Close

There are only a few scenes left and then I'll be finished the first pass. I do have more scenes to write and some things to discover (ah names) but I could be done tomorrow.

Title - Tidal Wave (but still needs a new name) 
Words today - 2,500
Words total - 26,500
Music - computer fan and neighbours

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17

I have not really looked at this novel since I finished it in November. There were scenes in tonight's section that I don't even remember writing. I like them. I just don't remember them.

I am getting close to the next big action section. I may actually finish the first pass this weekend.

Title - Tidal Wave (but still needs a new name) 
Words today - 1,000
Words total - 24,000
Music -computer fan & the fridge

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16

Oh, this chapter made me teary again. And angry. Hopefully it hits other people the same way.

The closer I get to the end of the book, the more I am positive I need to go through it at least once more before sending it to readers. Perhaps I will subject my alpha reader to it as is. She's very good at pointing out where I've left things out or things need more description.

Title - Tidal Wave (but still needs a new name) 
Words today - 1,500
Words total - 23,000
Music - random sounds of people in the hallway

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Winter returns - April 15

Awoke this morning to snow and blustery winds. In some ways, it's nice to be writing about a hot country - even if I still don't have a name for it. It's also nice that I have another two weeks to get my taxes filed. There are some advantages to not being in the US. :-)

I decided to get an earlier start than I have been on the revisions. Worked an hour which took care of the next chapter. Things are starting to move faster and the next chapter is when nasty things happen. I'd rather not look at that part tonight.

Title - Tidal Wave (but still needs a new name) 
Words today - 1,000
Words total - 21,500
MusicMarc Jordan - On A Perfect Day

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Monday - April 14

Mondays can be hard. Add to it heavy winds, rain and appointments after work hours and I'm tired. Tonight's section didn't seem to need a lot of changes. We'll see when I reread tomorrow if I was right in that assessment.

Title - Tidal Wave (but still needs a new name)
Words today - 1,000
Words total - 20,500
Music - Jane Siberry - Sweet Incarnadine: Songs of Love (compilation)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13

Slow day today. After yesterday's concerted effort, I've spent the day sleepy and struggling for focus. But focus I did.

There has been a bit more progress including another 'ah crap' moment when I realized my POV character had never been to a particular place but speaks of it as if she has. ::makes note to add another scene or two::

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,500
Words total - 19,500
Music -Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap

Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 12 - Post-Marathon

Well, I did 5.5 hours of revisions from noon until just after 8 pm. I discovered that I had neglected to name the country where the book takes place. Thirty days of NaNoWriMo and eleven days of revisions and I finally noticed.

Something tells me this is going to be a three or four revision kind of book.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 5,500
Words total - 18,000
Music - traffic & loud radios

April 11 (late) and Marathoning

Yesterday's numbers are below. I took another look at the bridge scene and tweaked it a bit as well as polishing the next two scenes. At the end of this, I'm going to print out the whole thing & read it through to see if it holds together. Then it will be time to fix any little things I don't like and send it my volunteer readers.

The Camp NaNo marathon begins at noon my time. Until then, I'm dealing with chores. Already arranged to go for coffee with a friend so I can get away from the desk and stretch. :-)

I will be back later to update the numbers.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words yesterday - 1,000
Words total - 12,500
Music - Jane Siberry - Sweet Incarnadine: Songs of Love (compilation)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10th Progress

Finally finished the second bridge scene. It definitely needs more polish but it sets up the relationship between the characters a bit better and doesn't make the next scene feel like it came out of left field.

Tomorrow I will continue on with polishing November's words and looking for snacks for the marathon of writing on Saturday.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,500
Words total - 11,500
Music - Jane Siberry - Sweet Incarnadine: Songs of Love (compilation)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9

It's been a rough couple of days in the real world. I haven't accomplished as much as I'd hoped - still working on the second bridge scene - but at least I'm still trying.

Saturday is the Camp Marathon writing day. I'm hoping to really make progress. Must remember to pick up some healthy writing snacks.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,500
Words total - 10,000 (meaning I've spent 10 hours so far on revisions. 1/3rd of the way to my goal)
Music - Jane Siberry - Sweet Incarnadine: Songs of Love (compilation)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6 Progress

Yesterday was completely filled with the maple syrup festival, visiting and dinner with a friend. Tiring but good. Tonight, I finished the first bridge scene and began the second. That is tomorrow evening's goal - finish the scene and get back to the existing words.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,000
Words total - 6,500
Music -The Strombo Show

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4 - Camp & other writing related items

Today, I sent April's submission. According to the market information, I'll hear back on that one before the end of the month. The deadline for March's submission is officially past. Now comes the waiting.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 2,000
Words total - 5,500
Music - cars splashing through the rain

Tonight's dinner plans have become tomorrow night's dinner plans. Neither of us wanted to get soaked. Tomorrow morning, I'm planning to attend the local Maple Syrup Festival, so writing time will be in the afternoon. I began one of the bridge scenes tonight but I'm losing focus so it's time to stop.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3 Notes

I'm counting tonight's work as 1.5 hours. The files were open longer but there were distractions.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,500
Words total - 3,500
Music - Toronto Maple Leafs game on the radio

I've hit the point where I need to add a few small scenes to fill in the main characters' relationship. Otherwise, things are happening too quickly and, while that was okay during the NaNo process, it doesn't work while revising.

I have plans tomorrow evening so there may not be an update. We shall see.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2

I would have worked longer on this tonight but I had the opportunity to attend a public lecture at the Perimeter Institute. We have the minimum hour but I'm hoping for a bit more tomorrow.

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,000
Words total - 2,000
Music - The Inside Movie, by Estas Tonne

Again mostly tightening up language and making some different word choices. (I think they are better. We'll see what my volunteer readers think.)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opening day of Camp

According to the officials at NaNoWriMo, one hour of revising/editing equates to 1,000 words. At the end, I'll do an actual word count but for tonight, the stats are:

Title - Tidal Wave (but needs a new name)
Words today - 1,000
Words total - 1,000
Music - The Inside Movie, by Estas Tonne

Tonight's work was mostly tightening up language. New scenes will happen over the next week or so.