Friday, July 8, 2011

Progress - July 8, 2011

Title: Blade and Bone
Words Total: 3366
Words Today: 637
Reason for stopping: Finished a scene and I'm getting hungry

Wordage I liked: The signet ring flashed in the candlelight as he tossed it to her. She caught it in her free hand, glancing at it to ensure it was hers, before placing it on the table.

He raised an eyebrow. "From its condition, I would think you wear the ring often."

Alya kept her eyes on him as he took another step closer. Nothing about this felt right.

Things to discover: What the prince really wants from Alya. What Alya won't do.

What I discovered: Writing seduction scenes in a public place is like reverse voyeurism. Even sitting with my back to the wall, I get nervous that someone will read over my shoulder.


  1. Just a note to let you know that some of us are reading along! :-)

  2. Thanks, Mindy. Nice to know. :-)
